Flags as Symbols of ReconciliationStaff and Working Group members set time aside to learn more about the Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag and consider their meaning and function as symbols of reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Healing Our Stolen Generations ForumStaff or Working Group members set aside time to watch the Healing Foundation’s 2015 Healing Our Stolen Generations forum. The forum highlights the differing experiences of members of the Stolen Generations, while simultaneously celebrating their resilience.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
In My Blood It RunsThis professional learning resource uses stimulus clips from the In My Blood It Runs documentary to explore reconciliation in education.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Early Learning EnvironmentsImproving knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures will benefit all Australian students, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in SchoolsImproving knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures will benefit all Australian students, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
Integrating the Cross-curriculum Priority Key Concepts: Country/Place, Culture and PeopleStaff think about how they might integrate the key concepts People, Country/Place and Culture into their teaching after viewing three films that feature six exceptional young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who share stories about their communities, histories and cultures in contemporary Australia.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Jodie Test PLDescription
- Relevant Subjects
- Relevant Years
Language Program PotentialIn this activity, teachers and educators research successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language revitalisation and education programs from around Australia.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Learning from OthersIn this activity, teachers and educators use case studies to think critically about how reconciliation projects can best be adopted or adapted to suit their local context and community.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Learning from RAP LaunchStaff and Working Group members plan and attend RAP launches in their school or Early learning service and and attend RAP launches at other local educational organisations.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Listening To, and Learning From, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young PeopleTeachers and educators read reports that have been based on consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people, and consider opportunities for giving stronger voice and action around the needs, experiences and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and children.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Media PortfolioStaff work together to collect a range of current news articles, research and broader media portrayals of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in their local area, and throughout Australia.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander TeachersStaff and RAP Working Group members are encouraged to explore and discuss MATSITI and #OurMobTeach online and on social media platforms to stay abreast of ideas and opportunities for increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people teaching in schools and early learning services.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
More Than One ValueTeachers and educators draft an itemised budget required for the products or services relevant to the implementation of reconciliation initiatives.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Museum or Gallery TourOrganise a tour of a local museum, gallery or cultural centre to assist teachers and educators in their understanding and appreciation of the variety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art forms.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
My Acknowledgement of CountryIn this activity, staff develop their own unique and meaningful Acknowledgement of Country that they can use on an ongoing basis.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
My Time, Our Place - Case StudiesTeachers and educators examine case studies to critically and creatively think about best practice avenues for simultaneously embedding the My Time Our Place Framework and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions into their teaching.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
My Time, Our Place Outcomes - Reconciliation InputsTeachers and educators reflect on how each of the five outcomes of My Time, Our Place can serve as positive input in supporting reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
Narragunnawali RAP FrameworkStaff and RAP Working Group members explore the interactive RAP framework page, to brainstorm and collaborate about driving reconciliation in education in a sustainable, whole-scale approach.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary
National Reconciliation Week WorkshopTeachers and educators set time aside to research and reflect on the background of National Reconciliation Week (NRW), and workshop ideas for foregrounding the NRW theme in curriculum/RAP activities.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
- Primary
- Secondary